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I stare at the stream of ants moving across the floor as I wait for the kettle to boil.  I observe my own observation – there are no emotions of irritation or urgency in me.  I pour the boiling water into my mug and make my way back to relish my first gift of waking aloneness .  The change within ispalpable.  I didn’t decide to leave the ants be.  I felt the calling of my Inner Voice about what my BE-ing needed – my daily intention and meditation time.

I have just observed my own Inner Evolution and I am fascinated.  I am also aware that if I allow my errant thoughts to take the lead, irritation can easily surface.  So I surrender – for my Peace, for the health of my BE-ing, for genuine, tangible joy.  “Take up leadership!” I say to my Inner Voice, “Here I AM – Guide me.”  I, who have never understood or liked the concept of surrender, now know its joy and its power. 

I have a new definition of surrender – having said that, I know labels can never describe any act or feeling or thought fully. 

Surrender:  stepping into the alignment of one’s deepest truth and having no need to explain that truth to anyone; BE-ing fully in the moment with no judgement, and thereby dissolving the role of the ego; opening oneself up to be one’s greatest potential .

How to surrender the ego and call on your Inner Voice to take up leadership:

  • Still your thoughts through meditation (one of the Building Blocks of the UN-Becoming Process).
  • Be with your Inner Voice through the building block of Connection – feel the Space, Love and Guidance of your Inner Voice.
  • Be open to the Guidance of your Inner Voice – know that your objective is to feel Peace and Love, and to have a sense of your own Light.

Surrendering is stepping into your power, living in your deepest truth and BE-ing in your greatest sense of self-worth.

I’ve communed with my Inner Voice many times today.  Each time my prayer has been:  Surrender is power, Peace, strength, Light and Love.  Guide me please to know such surrender; Guide me through your leadership to BE the potential of my existence.