Growthpoints is a mastermind community designed to help each person who is part of it to achieve mind-body-spirit breakthroughs in a supportive and empowering space.

I created this group for strong, successful, heart-centered women who, like me, are looking to continually grow and expand their potential, UN-Become who they are not, unearth their inner leaders, and live life on their own terms.  In this space women grow together, mastermind, share ideas and support one another on this journey called life. I know the profound difference a supportive group mentoring opportunity can make.

At the heart of Growthpoints this is what we want you to have:

  • A sense of confidence in your relationship with life
  • A feeling of self-belief in every decision you make
  • A tangible sense of you growing personally
  • A knowing that YOU CAN DO THIS
  • A sense of accomplishment when you look at the progress and completion of your project
  • The opportunity to mastermind with strong, successful women

Growthpoints – The Mastermind is a way to grow and to work on
important projects in YOUR life in a fun, supportive space

Every successful person has a team they are part of or a support group to back them up – people who speak their lingo, know their needs, can relate to their feelings and provide the bridge of support to help them take their next step.
What if you could be part of a group that helps you take your leadership ability to the next level while nurturing who you are and recharging your being? 
And what if you didn’t have to pay the earth, travel long distances or invest hours and hours to have this?

Here’s how we are going to help you make this happen:

  • A weekly 60 minute live Zoom video call with me and the other group members – there will be sharing, outlining your step for the week, purposeful fun activities and studying powerful personal development books to support your growth.
  • A Facebook group with a weekly video to keep you in a growth mindset, and communication to support you on your journey.
  • Discounts on Akashic Records readings with me (I am a certified Akashic Records reader)

My goal is for you to do something that you never thought you could do, and when you look back on the past year, for you to know that you achieved something significant that makes you happy.

To be a part of Growthpoints costs $97per month. If you have any questions email me and we can set up a quick call.

I also want you to know that from every $97 membership, $10 goes towards Leave No Girl Behind International so you’re supporting a great cause too.