It is about nothing else but YOU!

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The moment of significance…

How do you tell when a moment is significant?  Is it the moment that holds the power because of its context?  I believe that it is always the lens of self that creates the context.  The observer always influences what is observed.  You give meaning to the moment.  A moment can pass you by or you can allow it to create value in your life. 

A few hours ago I lay on the grass, reading and taking in the blueness of the sky (since lockdown started, the free, limitless, blue sky has been a fascinating contrast in my world).  There was a moment where I felt such appreciation for the support I am receiving from the Universe – my body supporting my BE-ing, the earth supporting the weight of my body, gravity keeping me where I have chosen to be, the fruit trees supporting my needs and desires, a home taking care of the warmth and comfort of my body…

That was my significant moment today.  It could’ve been any moment but I chose those thoughts and that moment to have meaning for my life.  I attached emotions to that moment.  Inside of that moment, I chose to create the space for whatever the Universe wanted to collaborate with me on. 

Then there is the question: Who will you BE in this moment?  

That too is a choice which makes a moment significant.

  • Choose the value of any moment.
  • Feel the emotions attached to the moment
  • Ask how the Universe is collaborating with you inside that moment.

You choose.  Always. 

It isn’t the moment – it is who you are inside of that moment and what you decide to give to it and take from it. 

It is about nothing else but YOU.